5D Data storage (future technology)

"5-D" glass discs can store data for upto 13.8 billion years

    For future civilization technology

    By: SUJIT

Research team uses quartz glass and lasers to store 360 TB of data for billions of years.

             The storing and preservation of digital data has been a cumbersome process due to the varying lifespans of physical hard drives. Scientists at the University of Southampton though may be on the brink of developing a way to store data for billions of years.

                 5D data storage is unlike any form of data storage we have seen before. It allows for up to a 360 TB to disc data capacity, thermal stability up to 1,000 degrees Celsius and can last virtually forever with the researchers current estimate at 13.8 billion years if kept at room temperature.

                 This new form of data storage is safe, stable and portable making it an ideal way for large institutions to store their archives. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton’s Opticks, the Magna Carta and the King James Bible have already been recorded for posterity using 5D technology.

5d data storage

                  The researchers at the University of Southampton are preparing to present all of their research on 5D data storage at the International Society for Optical Engineering in San Francisco where they will present their paper ‘5D Data Storage by Ultrafast Laser Writing in Glass.’

                   Who knows what's going to happen thousands of year down the line. but that we can guarantee is that we have the ability to store the language, culture and essence of the human race in a simple piece of glass. For future civilizations-or whatever else is out there!.





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